Medical Equipments

Premier medical equipment supplier offering a range of new, refurbished and used medical equipments including AED, ECG, defibrillators, monitors, and pulse oximeters.

Medical science is branch of science that is used to diagnose and treat the irregularities in the functioning of the patient's body using some technical apparatus. These technical devices are known as medical equipments and they are used to determine the patient's medical condition so that an appropriate treatment can be administered to him. Almost all hospitals hire a Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) so that the medical equipments can be maintained in perfect condition.

Medical equipments do comprise of laboratory devices and instruments that are used to perform analysis on a sample of urine, feces, blood and even semen. The samples are first collected and then analyzed in the laboratories for further diagnosis. The medical state of a patient is determined on the basis of the results obtained from the analysis performed. There are other parameters too that are analyzed such as ECG, blood pressure, weight, pulse rate and many more. Imaging machines like Ultrasound, X-ray, PET, MRI and CT scanners are the diagnostic equipment. Today, due to advancement in technology, the medical world has reached new highs. Laser surgeries, pace makers, infusion pumps and many other such devices are used to treat the patients suffering with critical diseases.


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